Welcome To Foster Development School of Management
Founded in 1988 by group of Eminent Educationist, Social workers, Politicians and Faculties from the field. The Foster Development School of Management aims to prepare globally competitive Management professionals with strong moral, personal and social values and whose training and management skills are grounded on appropriate and advanced concepts and principles. It further aims to:
- Providing HEALTH SERVICES and facilities in rural areas, to run medicals colleges and hospitals, Promoting national cause of family planning, providing expert services in different fields of Medical sciences at rural as well as carbon areas.
- Providing quality primary EDUCATION in remote rural areas and to reduce the gap between rural and urban Education facilities in the field of Education.
- Collecting grants from Govt. and Non Govt. Organisations and Utilising them for weaker section of society like handicapped, Helpless feeble people, Opening hostels for working women, senior and aged People.
- Providing financial assistance to hardworking needy scholar Student by offering Scholarships and Free Ships.
- Field of ENVIROUNMENT operating nurseries, Promoting forest cultivation, Developing Gardens Developing Barron Lands.

Financial Management
Human resource management
Marketing Management
Production & Operation Management
Information Technology Management

Shri.Bhausaheb Rajale (Secretary)
Conventionally in Industry, MBA graduates were appointed, but now in education, health services, Hospitals, Banking, Co-operatives, Agriculture and Trade, Public Utility service like Telephone, Electricity Boards, Public Distribution System Retails outlet and even in every individual life Management has became need of the time.
Shri. Dwarkabhau Pathrikar (President)
In todays world of tough competition, every one is trying to achieve maximum output with minimum possible inputs, with ref to cost and time.And there the need of management skill is very much required, in every walk of life.